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6. Automating Influence Marketing
Introducing Shaaare

6. Automating Influence Marketing

Shaaare serves as much more than just a platform for user-generated content; it effectively acts as a catalyst for automating influence marketing. Its inherent social network architecture, which allows for the posting and consumption of content through a feed, adds a layer of engagement that goes beyond mere content creation.

Users not only generate content for brands but also end up displaying that content to their individual followers. In doing so, they organically expand the brand's reach.

The concept of a feed-based display transforms the user's role from just a content creator to an influencer within their own circles. By participating in a brand's UGC program, individuals are involuntarily becoming brand advocates, pushing the brand's message forward through their own social spheres. This results in an unexpected but beneficial side effect for Shaaare: it becomes a platform that automates the realm of influence marketing.

This automated system especially shines when considering the potential for micro-influencers. Brands have long understood the unique value proposition offered by micro-influencers—authenticity, targeted reach, and high engagement rates. However, the logistical challenges of coordinating with multiple smaller influencers have often acted as a barrier. Shaaare effectively eliminates these challenges, providing a seamless platform for brands to engage with micro-influencers.

The type of influencers that brands want to work with

Historically, brands have opted for well-known influencers due to the perceived lower operational costs. However, Shaaare levels the playing field, making it equally cost-effective to engage with multiple micro-influencers. The result is stronger overall conversion rates, as the message is spread more organically and authentically.

The type of influencers that brands want to work with

The use of Brand-Tokens as a form of payment offers financial benefits to the brands. Because the tokens are tied to the brand's products or services, their value is inherently higher than their actual cost.

This results in a 70% reduction in operational expenses. Add to that the elimination of third-party agency fees, usually around 30%, and the overall cost of running a campaign drops by an astounding 80%.

Shaaare emphasizes the power of decentralized influence. In this model, it is far more effective for a message to be disseminated through multiple channels than to be repeatedly broadcasted through a single influencer. This supports the principle that visibility across 100 different publications is exponentially more impactful than 1000 views on a single post.

It's better to be seen 100 times on 100 publications
Than 1000 times on 1 publication

... for the same price!